How mature are your CRO strategies?

Take this 10-question quiz to see how your current B2C/D2C marketing strategies rank against other ecommerce businesses. Have you been laying the right foundation, are you actively evolving tactics, or are you an upsell Allstar?

1. How much data are you collecting from your customers/leads?

(Select all that apply)

2. Which types of value-add campaigns have you tried?

(Select all that apply)

3. Which “smart” product recommendations does your online shopping experience provide?

(Select all that apply)

4. What does a customer see on your site when a product they want to purchase is Out of Stock?

(Select all that apply)

5. How does your site build dedicated hype to engage/inspire customers to make a purchase?

(Select all that apply)

6. How are you customizing the site experience for your key demographics?

(Select all that apply)

7. How do you reengage with customers after they leave the site or make a purchase?

(Select all that apply)

8. What offers have you tried for your Loyalty/Rewards program?

(Select all that apply)

9. How do you uncover pain points your customers faces during the buyer's journey?

(Select all that apply)

10. What's preventing you from using more personalization tactics to increase AOV and sales?

(Select all that apply)

What's Next?

If you're surprised by your results, or intrigued by some of the mentioned tactics, drop us a line below. We'd love to have a free 30-minute consultation to discuss ways to better connect with consumers.